Medical Imaging Company Meets GDPR Compliance with Fortanix Enterprise Key Management Solution

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Medical Imaging Company Meets GDPR Compliance with Fortanix Enterprise Key Management SolutionDotted icon

Customer Profile 

The customer is a worldwide leader in AI-powered medical imaging, delivering powerful diagnostics to support optimal treatment decisions for improved patient outcomes. The customer uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as their Cloud Service Provider (CSP).  






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Business Challenge:


Business Challenge:

  • The customer wanted to secure Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI) for their EU business operations. This requirement comes in response to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 
  • The data being stored in the AWS cloud environment required sovereign control and ownership of their cloud encryption keys.
  • In this case, because AWS is a US-based company, under the US PATRIOT Act, the CSP could be compelled to hand over encryption keys to the US government, along with the stored PII/PHI data.


  • Fortanix offers a comprehensive Cloud Native Key Management Service for AWS, including Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) and Bring Your Own KMS (BYOKMS), with complete lifecycle management for automation.  The Fortanix platform is built on Confidential Computing technology, utilizing integrated FIPS 140-2 level 3 certified HSMs.
  • The Fortanix solution provides the customer with centralized control over the lifecycle of their keys, whether they are used on-premises or in the cloud. And, because the Fortanix solution is Software as a Service (SaaS), they did not have to deploy a complex key management solution themselves.
  • The customer has sole key custody. Neither Fortanix nor AWS can access the keys that protect the customer's data. This additional layer of security means that—even if requested under the US PATRIOT Act—the CSP would not be able to provide the data hosted in their environment.

Why did they choose Fortanix?

Easy to Use

Easy to Use

Fortanix offers the most complete solution for Confidential Computing – providing customers with the fastest and easiest path to protect their applications and data while in use.


Fortanix makes it possible to enroll computing resources, in the cloud or on-premises, and deploy existing applications within a secure TEE in minutes.
Cost Effective

Cost Effective

This capability is unique and enables widespread adoption of Confidential Computing with no development or integration costs. And this was the promise that the BeeKeeperAI leadership identified in their initial discussions.
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