24/7 support
helps organizations to constantly evaluate and improvise on key focus areas like data governance, roles, authentication, and controls and helps stay current and always be on guard.
Robust data security requires proactive approach. It’s critical for customers to maintain and constantly update the platform to ensure continued and optimal product performance. A quick response mechanism is critical for effective maintenance, updates, and to enable security teams with the day to day functioning of the platform.
Customer Support Plans
Mon –Fri 8am-6pm(Customer local time)
Access to Knowledge Portal

Online Case Submission

Telephone Case Submission

Slack Community Support

24x7 Critical Access

24x7 Non-Critical Access

Advanced Hardware Replacement
(Applicable for On-Prem Customers Only)

* Premium Support is included with the SaaS subscription

Stay Current And Always Be On Guard
Optimal product performance requires 24/7 access to the latest software updates, fixes, and new feature releases. This allows an organization's data security framework to stay current and always be on guard against data breaches and malicious attacks.

Adopt A Proactive Approach To Data Security
24/7 support helps organizations to constantly evaluate and improvise on key focus areas like key lifecycle management, data governance, roles, authentication, and controls thereby helping with a proactive approach to data security and not reactive.

Maximize Employee Productivity
Employee productivity can be maximized with immediate guidance and support from Fortanix subject-matter experts.

Maximize Return On Investment
All investments are made with the expectation of returns. And it's no different for data security. Enrolling in the Support Program can help maximize returns by keeping your systems current, ensuring compliance, effectively tackling data breaches, and improving efficiency of the platform.
Definition of Severity Levels and Targeted Initial Response
Priority levels
Response Time

Priority 1
Fatal: Critical production down issue affecting all users, including system unavailability or data integrity issue with no workaround available.
30 min (24x7)

Priority 2
Severe Impact: Major production system functionality impacted or significant performance degradation. Problem is persistent and impacts many users and no reasonable workaround is available.
2 Hours (24X7)

Priority 3
Degraded Operations: Service is operational but partially degraded and an acceptable workaround exists. Performance issue or functionality bug impacting some but not all users
8 Hours (business hours)

Priority 4
Minimal Impact: Minor problem not impacting service functionality, enhancement request, or documentation request
2 business days