What is a Hardware Security Module (HSM)?

Hardware Security Module (HSM) offers a highly secure, tamper-resistant environment to store sensitive data and perform cryptographic operations.

They are available as physical devices and as a service. By leveraging the secure storage and cryptographic processing capabilities of an HSM, organizations can safeguard encryption keys, sign codes, digital certificates, passwords, tokens, etc.

HSMs are commonly used in some of the most critical security operations, such as secure financial transactions, digital signatures, and encryption/decryption of sensitive data.

The physical devices known as legacy HSM systems can be complex and difficult to use.

It is challenging to integrate legacy systems with modern cloud infrastructure, and they fail to meet the latest compliance standards; as a result, organizations are now switching to HSM SaaS.

How a Hardware Security Module (HSM) works?

HSMs are used to manage the key lifecycle securely, i.e., to create, store, and manage cryptographic keys for encrypting and decrypting data.

When a transaction is initiated, the HSM generates a unique key to encrypt the transaction data. The encrypted data is transmitted over a network, and the HSM is responsible for decrypting the data upon receipt.

The HSM is designed to be tamper-resistant and prevents unauthorized access to the encryption keys stored inside.

Using an HSM, organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information.

How are keys and other sensitive data stored and managed in an HSM?

A Hardware Security Module (HSM)manages the lifecycle of the encryption keys, including key generation, storage, and destruction.

The device is designed to be tamper-resistant, making it difficult for unauthorized parties to access the encryption keys stored inside.

All cryptographic operations, such as encryption, decryption, and digital signatures, are performed inside the HSM.

An HSM is highly impossible to break through because it employs strong security measures, such as secure boot processes and physical security features.

As a result, Unauthorized users won't be able to access the encryption keys stored inside the HSM.

Access to sensitive data is tightly controlled through authentication mechanisms and is only available to authorized personnel.

What are the compliance standards that an HSM must meet?

Some of the commonly recognized compliance standards for HSMs include:

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): A European Union regulation that has stringent laws to protect private data, and companies failing to do face severe penalties.

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard): Applicable for financial and banking organizations, neo banks, and crypto institutions that handle payment cardholder data.

FIPS 140-2 (Federal Information Processing Standard): A US government standard for encryption algorithms and cryptographic modules to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data.

ISO/IEC 27001: An international standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). It includes guidelines for risk assessment and management, security controls and procedures, and regular review and evaluation of the ISMS.

SOC 2 (Service Organization Control 2): A security audit that assures the security and privacy controls of the service provider are as per the required standards.

Common Criteria: An international standard (ISO 15408) to test and evaluate an HSM against specific requirements.

What is FIPS 140-2 Level 3 HSM

(Federal Information Processing Standard) FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified HSMs are designed to prevent physical tampering with tamper-evident seals, intrusion sensors, and self-destruct mechanisms. These devices meet the requirements of Level 3 of the FIPS 140-2 standard. They undergo rigorous testing and certification to meet the highest security standards. With Level 3 certification, organizations can rest assured that sensitive information and cryptographic keys are well-protected against physical attacks.

FIPS standards are developed by NIST's Computer Security Division and are widely adopted in both government and non-government sectors worldwide as a security benchmark.

FIPS 140-3 is the latest benchmark for validating the effectiveness of cryptographic hardware, and products with FIPS 140-3 certification have been formally validated by both the US and Canadian governments.

The US Secretary of Commerce signed FIPS 140-3 on May 1, 2019, and starting from April 1, 2022, new submissions must comply with the FIPS PUB 140-3 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, replacing FIPS 140-2.

The US government uses FIPS 140-2 to verify that private sector cryptographic modules and solutions (hardware and software) meet NIST standards and adhere to the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA).

FIPS 140-2 has four levels. For a cryptographic module to meet the stringent requirements of Level 3 under FIPS 140-2, it must undergo rigorous testing to demonstrate compliance with all four levels of the standard.

Security Level 1 specifies basic security requirements for a cryptographic module. No physical security mechanisms are required except for production-grade equipment. Examples include IC cards, add-on security products, and PC encryption boards. Software cryptographic functions are allowed in a general-purpose PC. This level is suitable for low-level security applications where hardware is too expensive.

Security Level 2 adds physical security to a Security Level 1 cryptographic module. This level requires tamper-evident coatings, seals, or pick-resistant locks. The coating or seal must be broken to attain physical access to the plaintext cryptographic keys and other critical security parameters within the module. Role-based authentication is also required. Software cryptography is allowed in multi-user timeshared systems when used with a C2 or equivalent trusted operating system.

Security Level 3 requires enhanced physical security to prevent intruders from accessing critical security parameters held within the module. For example, a multi-chip embedded module must be contained in a strong enclosure. The critical security parameters are zeroized if a cover is removed or a door is opened. This level also requires identity-based authentication and stronger requirements for entering and outputting critical security parameters. Software cryptography is allowed in multi-user timeshared systems when a B1 or equivalent trusted operating system is employed along with a trusted path for the entry and output of critical security parameters.

Security Level 4 provides the highest level of security. It provides an envelope of protection around the cryptographic module. Level 4 physical security aims to detect penetration of the device from any direction, and critical security parameters should be zeroized. This level also protects a module against compromising its security due to environmental conditions or fluctuations outside of the module's normal operating ranges for voltage and temperature. Level 4 devices are particularly useful for operation in a physically unprotected environment.




As of August 2025

SOC-2 Type-2ISO 27001FIPSGartner LogoPCI DSS Compliant





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