Filesystem Encryption 

Keep individual files and folders safe to defend against malicious actors and meet compliance. 

file encryption hero

The Challenge  

To enhance data loss prevention and comply with privacy regulations, businesses are constantly looking to strengthen their security posture. Many organizations now require that only authorized users with specific privileges can access data in plaintext within designated files or folders on a given filesystem. Aside from elevating security against cyber criminals, this approach also enables a clear division of responsibilities between data owners and system administrators, preventing malicious intents and careless human errors.


Encrypting individual filesystems comes with a significant challenge—management of the encryption keys. With each filesystem having its own encryption key, key sprawl is a reality and can easily get out of hand. Moreover, not properly managing and storing those keys increases cyber vulnerabilities and exacerbates the data security challenges organizations face. 

the challenge

Fortanix Solution

Fortanix Filesystem Encryption enables organizations to go beyond full disk encryption and protect individual filesystems mounted on a specified host. The Fortanix Enterprise Key Management solutions enable centralized lifecycle management for encryption keys across hybrid multicloud. Encryption keys are under complete customer control and secured by FIPS 140-2 level 3 certified HSMs, available as SaaS. Fine-grain policy-driven access controls restrict access to plain text data solely to authorized users and processes. 

fortanix solution


Uplevel data security 

Seamlessly set up and manage agents to encrypt individual filesystems mounted on host machines. Easily scale agent deployments, which are based on Open Policy Agent specification and have no kernel dependencies.

Uplevel data security 

Control access policies 

Apply granular policy-based decryption to allow only authorized users and processes to access plaintext data.  

Control access policies 

Manage key efficiently 

Centralize lifecycle management of all encryption keys. Store keys in natively integrated FIPS-140-2 Level 3 HSM, available as SaaS or on-prenmises. Prevent involuntary or malicious key deletion with Quorum Approvals.

Manage key efficiently 

Key Differentiators

Unified data security platform

Unified data security platform

With a centralized solution, organizations gain complete visibility into what keys are in use and how human or machine identities use them. A thorough inventory of how your sensitive data is used and protected is fundamental to any security strategy.
Highly Secure

Highly Secure

Identify how well your data is protected and how it aligns with current security policies. With an intuitive dashboard, Fortanix helps identify and prioritize where and when to apply new quantum-proof algorithms.
Scalable Performance

Scalable Performance

Fortanix enables organizations to own and control the lifecycle of all encryption keys. Crypto-agility accelerates the deployment of quantum-proof algorithm standards. Fortanix supports the latest NSA-recommended quantum-resistant algorithms and rapidly implements the latest NIST standards into its SaaS platform.


Here are some of latest news, blogs, resources, events, and more

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Fortanix Tokenization

Buyers Guide to Enterprise Key Management

Buyers Guide to Enterprise Key Management


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